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Infinitely grateful - not only me

With a testimonial you not only support my work. Just as you searched and chose me based on certain criteria, you help others with your balanced judgment to choose the appropriate Creator | Consultant | Coach. In doing so, you create value and add even more shine to your own name.

A testimonial is quick; the shorter it is, the more concise it is. Accordingly, it only takes two to three minutes. And you certainly already have a photo of yourself on your computer (I will take care of any editing for Internet use). Alternatively you can upload a video (10-20 seconds).

A small surprise as a thank you for your efforts is guaranteed. Please fill in the postal address.

Thank you very much in advance!


Olaf Kellerhoff

Your Country during our interaction
The country you stayed during our interaction.
Sie können sich an auf Wunsch an folgenden Anhaltspunkten orientieren: - Wie nutzbringend war der Workshop / die Beratung / das Coaching für Ihren Beruf oder Ihr Privatleben? - Wo und wie können Sie das Gelernte einbringen – mit welchem Benefit für Ihren Job oder Ihre Beziehungen? - Was gefiel Ihnen an Ihrem Coach / Berater / Trainer? - Was war anders als bei ähnlichen Interventionen? - Was war für Sie das Besondere an unserer Interaktion?
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