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Spheres of Life

All in life is interconnected. Also the human being is a system of “inner worlds” – to speak with the German philosopher and cultural theorist Peter Sloterdijk – in himself. Changes in one world will effect the others. Consequently, we should consider these changes and possible effects. Just to give you an example: Maybe your partner or colleague doesn’t like your intended changes, because they love or appreciate you the way you are. And they might act accordingly. This might hold you back. Or by the opposite: once you transform yourself, suddenly your partnership is much happier. 

Furthermore, as a starting point you might rate your satisfaction for each of the spheres and thereby have a visual overview, where to work on. 

How to work: Spheres of Life

  1. Download the Spheres of Life, print it out or use the pdf on a tablet with a pencil. 
  2. Rate your satisfaction in percentages, write the figure next to each sphere. 
  3. Shade the roughly estimated percentage of the total area of each square. 
  4. Reflect, which area you would like to work on. 
  5. Think of possible repercussions – positive or negative – of changes in the sphere you chose for each of the other spheres and note them down. 

Download Instructions for Spheres of Life

  1. Click on the photo or filename. 
  2. Agree on the terms and conditions in the pop-up window. (If no window pops up, check your browser settings and allow them.). 
  3. Check your Download folder.